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Scuba diving in Staburags is of interest to researchers
Diving instructor Valters Preimanis says that firefighters, underwater archaeologists and sports divers have died in Staburags. There is a video in the archive of the diving club, where a group of divers from SFRS inspects Staburags. Staburags was once a spring limestone cliff 19.5 meters high and 60 m wide, created by a spring over thousands of years. Not far from Staburaga is also the only alpine crimea deposit in Latvia. Staburags was flooded after the construction of Plavinas HPP in 1965.
Underwater archaeologist Voldemāra Rains and his fellow divers dived to a depth of 27 m to the foot of Staburaga in 1998, and although they had poor visibility, they managed to film part of the Staburaga rock. Staburagu deck sludge and shells. According to them, the water gradually dissolves the limestone and Staburags slowly crumbles, as evidenced by the fallout cone at its foot.
Since ancient times, Staburags has been called the symbol of free Latvia, Staburadze - the crying mother of his ancestors. Sung in many folk songs, painted and photographed.
The researcher who will describe the history of Staburags and its significance for Latvians, such as folk songs about "Staburags", and its cultural place in Latvian culture, will describe what has been found, will have a scuba diving club DIVING recognition and instructor surprise. Submit to WhatsApp 22077202.
Diving in Staburags
Staburags, or Staburadze, was an approximately 18.5-meter-high limestone cliff on the left bank of the Daugava that was formed over the course of several millennia. Staburagu was flooded in 1966 and is currently located at the bottom of the Pļaviņu reservoir. The former grandeur of the Staburaga rock can be seen while diving in the Daugava. Dry suit rental is available for all interested divers, as well as underwater scooters. Club members have an exclusive instructor offer to go diving and enjoy visibility. Apply on WhatsApp 22077202

Diving conditions in Staburags
Diving instructor informs all those who want to dive in Staburags - To dive safely in Staburags, we only do it with a certificate (Extended open water diver, AOWD) and regular diving experience. Daugava diving is only possible for trained divers with experience. Depths of up to 26 meters, current, darkness and cold must be taken into account. Need a good tested diving equipment, training and regular practice. It has been observed that divers reaching a depth of 26 meters in Staburagas start talking about terrible and strange feelings ( much more insecure .. an unusual feeling approached there ..), this is most likely due to occasional diving experience.
Safety stop when diving deeper than 10 meters
When diving in Staburags, the principle of the partner's diving must be observed, discipline, maintaining peace and holding on to the tightrope, observing the safety stop. The safety stop takes place just before taking off. When the dive is complete, the diver signals to his friend that he will ascend to 5 meters, where he will stay there for 3 minutes. A stop at a depth of 5 meters helps the diver to remove the excess nitrogen that may have accumulated in the diver's body during the dive. The safety stop procedure reduces the risk of decompression sickness.

If you think that you have dived enough and often and want to participate for diving in Staburags, apply to the diving club DIVING, instructor Valters, WhatsApp 220-77-202.