Evacuation from Dahab, Egypt during the Covid-19 epidemic

Israel (02.03.2020) With Hungary, Wizair was able to fly from Riga Airport to Eilat (Israel). To the many questions from Eilat Airport, the Israeli Border Guard (Why did I come where I would stay, what would I do in Israel) did I quickly answer:

Cold bath

Benefits of an ice bath - How cold therapy changes the body and brain

The general idea of ice bath therapy is that cooling the body in water forces the body to work actively to maintain the internal temperature. It increases blood flow throughout the body. Here are some of the benefits of scientifically researched ice baths. Faster recovery after exercises and injuries Athletes […]

Winter bath

Motivational technique for a cold winter swim

The winter period is a good opportunity to harden the body. A cold water bath or a winter bath is also a good exercise for developing willpower, because without willpower, nothing happens in life. Willpower is similar to muscle - in order to become stronger, it must be trained regularly. Initially […]

Benefits of a cold bath

The benefits of a cold bath are why you need to do it

Cold water has many health benefits. This activity is becoming increasingly popular because hardening benefits both physical and mental health. At a time when the thermometer falls below 14 degrees in the water, it is time to harden out. The key is to do everything gradually, […]

ear structure

10 tips for easy ear pressure equalization

Middle ear pressure equalization requires the skill of a scuba diver to equalize the pressure in the adjacent cavities of the nose and in the middle ear spaces with external ambient pressure. Here are 10 tips to easily equalize the pressure in your ears: 1. Listen to the “click” before dressing in a diving suit or […]

Underwater search with a metal detector

Diving instructor Valters Preimanis

CV of diving instructor Valteras Preimans As a firefighter-rescuer, he underwent compressed air DIVATOR breathing apparatus training at the State Fire and Rescue Service, further learned to be a diver on October 20, 2005, undergoing training at the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (Eng. PADI - Professional Association of Diving [… ]