Underwater Search Club "Aquilon" operated in Latvia from 1984 to 1989. (The information is being clarified). They were once located at the address - Olīvu street 3, Riga. The name of the underwater diving club comes from ancient Roman mythology - "Aquilon" is a god who personifies a strong north wind.
Tasks of the club "Akvilons", which is registered as a voluntary organization of divers in Riga
- to search and survey planes, tanks and ships that died and sank in the Gulf of Riga or in internal water reservoirs during the Second World War;
- find out the circumstances in which they died and the composition of the crew;
- to correspond with the deceased to the valid ones, to take care of perpetuating the memory of the fallen.
Several dozen divers worked in the club, such as Uldis Grāvis, Dzintars Lapsa, Aleksejs Ivanovs, Nikolajs Skorobogatovs and others.
In 1980, DOSAAF and rescue societies trained in diving on the waters, and every year about 600 people complete the scuba diving courses.
If you worked in the underwater search club "Amphibija" or your friends, relatives, and know the history of the diving club "Akvilons", please contact us, phone 220-77-202, let's preserve the history of Latvian diving for future generations together!
The diving club "Akvilon" is looking for a plane that crashed into the lake
The scuba divers of the Akvilon club, from the group that is always the first to go in search, found out where Lake Svente a bomber fell in the first days. The fishermen showed the bank on which it had landed. They also helped to roughly determine where another plane had fallen. When all the information was collected. All 70 members of the club participated in the operation "Secret of Lake Svente". Radio technicians worked with magnetometers, metal detectors and echo sounders. Airplanes were found at a depth of six meters. Unique shots were taken by cinematographers. The general technical section prepared the pontoons for the sunken aircraft. for highlighting. Lake Svente is not the only lake marked on the club's search map. Cieceres and Doles lakes are also covered with red circles. Kišezer. as well as the seaside villages of Ainaži and Vecāki. Young people have managed to determine where the plane is located, which was shot down by the German army in the area of Engure village.
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Looking for a medieval ship in Gauja
Riga History and Shipping Museum. for instance. invited young people together with professional divers to search for a medieval ship that sank in Gauja. Despite the strong current and poor visibility, the divers still found the ship. According to the representative of the club, there are known places where during the war in the Gulf of Riga. about 20 planes, 15 ships and 10 tanks sank in rivers and lakes.
Looking for information about equipment lost during the war
In 1989, the underwater search club "Akvilon" invites all residents of Latvia, who have information about combat and old-time equipment (Soviet and foreign-made airplanes, tanks, cars, cannons, etc.) located in the republic's water reservoirs, to announce it , by sending a letter or calling.
Please let us know the location of the object, its condition, the names and addresses of the eyewitnesses to the events, as well as the address and surname of the sender. Persons who have sent information about an object that has a historical value and that needs to be restored after its removal will be paid a reward of 1000 to 5000 Eur (According to the current exchange rate).
With your announcement, you will not only help us and the museums of ancient technology, but also participate in a real way
in the fight for the cleanliness of Latvian reservoirs.
For those who want to participate in our expeditions and reconnaissance trips, we remind you - in the club "Akvilon"
anyone interested can join. Membership fee is 30 Eur per month for working people, 10 Eur per month for school students (According to modern values). The expenses of expeditions and trips are paid by the club. The most active members of the club, the best divers, receive assignments to participate in international expeditions as a prize. In the club, you can also be assigned to scuba diving courses.
Diving clubs in Latvia in the 20th century, 1900 - 1999
- Riga underwater sports club "Amphibija"
- Underwater Search Club “Aquilon"
- Diver Equipment Museum in Latvia
- Information - Found a sunken tank in a lake or swamp, what to do?
- Information - A sunken plane discovered in a lake or swamp, what to do?
We invite donations of old diving photos and stories related to underwater work and sports

Underwater orienteering is one of the Soviet era Latvian underwater sports types. Scuba diving sports centers were in Riga, Jelgava, Kuldiga.
Please apply Latvian underwater athletes and scuba diving veterans, due to accumulation of historical memories!
We buy back used diving equipment for the diving club museum
- Equipment manufactured for underwater diving in the last 200 years is probably in working order
- Used diving equipment, suits, boots, gloves, vests, regulators, masks
- Repairable, timely diving equipment useful for diving training
Call or WhatsApp 220-77-202 (Walter) or send a message using the contact form.