Gozo, Malta scuba diving trip impressions

Scuba diving in Gozo, popular dive sites visited by scuba diving club @daivingslv with descriptions in Latvian and English. Mġarr ix-Xini (Day #1) Video Beautiful place for swimming and snorkeling. This one-time entrance is becoming increasingly popular, although it is still rarely occupied. Narrow […]

Diving Madona quarry large reservoir

Diving Madona quarry large reservoir

We have performed technical diving works, diving, Madona quarry in a large reservoir, to perform underwater surveying, cartography works with the help of sonar. We also found and survey underwater objects to mark them on an underwater map. We used the application of the latest underwater measurement technologies in cartographic works. […]

Scuba diving in Gozo, Malta

There are places available for an organized scuba diving trip, in an interesting place on the island of Gozo (Maltese archipelago), in the warm waters (25 degrees) off the coast of Africa. Possibility to pass PADI AOWD, Deep, Enriched Air and other scuba diving certificates with 15% discount by applying for the trip in time. […]

Diving lessons in Laukezers in 2019 Underwater diving club Daivings.lv

Diving in Lake Laukezers

Diving club organized diving in the most beautiful lake in Latvia, Laukezers. The lake is located in Jēkabpils district, in the administrative territory of Kūku parish. The average depth is 6.7 meters, but the maximum depth is 19.8 meters. We explore the clear water and the deepest side of the lake. Laukezera reached almost 18 meters […]

underwater scooter courses

Choice of neoprene suit thickness for divers and freedivers 3mm, 5mm or 7mm

When choosing a new neoprene suit for water athletes, the question often arises as to what thickness of neoprene suit to choose. Divers and freedivers get a long stay in the water, so choosing the right thickness of a neoprene suit is important to prevent freezing (hypothermia). The best way to get information is […]

Scuba diving in Rummu quarry

Rummu quarry lake with its clear water and diverse lake bed has been attracting scuba divers for a long time. The former quarry houses a peculiar underwater museum, which offers a spectacular experience for scuba diving enthusiasts. Rummu quarry former village buildings Former Rummu quarry mine […]

We offer work practice in a diving center

For future PADI Divemaster, professional scuba divers, we offer work experience in a diving center in Riga (GO-PRO - from beginner to PADI Divemaster). After the internship, it is possible to work in more than 5,000 PADI diving centers around the world. Change your life forever and become […]

Career education event - Profession with adrenaline

Career day educational event During Ilguciems Secondary School "Professions with Adrenaline" we introduced the position of PADI Divemaster diving professional, sowed the "Bowline" node, looked at the diver's equipment and answered many students' questions about getting a diving profession and its benefits. Instructor V. Preimanis Apply […]

Diving in France, Giens

Diving and Sightseeing Program This is a tradition for our divers to visit the South of France every year and dive into the Mediterranean, the birthplace of scuba diver inventor Jacques-Yves Cousteau; Arrival at Cannes airport, car rental and camping trip; Go to […]

Vacancy diving instructor assistant Divemaster

Become a certified Divemaster with a Diving Instructor 2019/2020. during the season. We invite a diving enthusiast who wants to connect his life with the diving industry, study and receive an international diving certificate. We are looking for a motivated person who has experience in diving, a car and a driver's license. […]