Healthy walks along the sea are sometimes a good surprise for souvenir seekers. The Baltic Sea throws amber, or sun stones, it usually happens after big storms in the S, SW direction, so be vigilant by the sea. Amber is a beautiful gemstone that was formed more than 50 million years ago. This is due to its relatively high cost. True amber has a warm honey color, although it can be black, whitish and even blue. Natural amber stones are petrified resins from the oldest conifers. The price of a good piece of engine can average 30-35 euros per gram.
Amber is a fossilized resin that formed millions of years ago. It is a popular gemstone and is used to make jewelry and other decorative items.
Amber can be found on the coast of the Baltic Sea, especially on the Kurzeme side. It is best looked for after storms, when the sea has washed the amber ashore.
How to find amber on the coast of the Baltic Sea:
- Look for areas with lots of seaweed. Amber is often washed ashore along with seaweed.
- Look for areas with lots of rocks. Amber is often found between rocks.
- Search early in the morning or late at night. During this time, there are fewer people and you have a better chance of finding amber.
- Be patient. Finding amber can take time and effort.
How to recognize amber:
- Amber is warm and pleasant to the touch.
- Amber has a transparent or yellowish color.
- Amber has a resinous smell.

If you are not sure if you have found amber, you can test it with salt water. Amber will float in salt water, but other stones will sink.
Advice for amber seekers:
- Wear comfortable shoes. You will have to walk on sand and rocks.
- Wear a hat and sunscreen. The sun can be strong, especially in summer.
- Bring water and snacks. Searching for amber can be tedious.
- Leave the beach clean. Place all trash in the trash can.
Searching for amber on the Baltic coast is a great way to spend a day. These are fun and rewarding activities that the whole family can enjoy.

Table of Contents
Amber in Latvia
Those living in Riga and Jurmala are interested in finding amber on the shores of the Gulf of Riga? Maybe, the instructor of the diving club Valters has found a piece of amber, amber almost the size of a Euro coin was found on the sea shore of Jurmala on February 12, 2022 after several major storms. Big storms wash away not only the parts of old ships, but also the sun's rocks. The most leached phosphorus is found in the beach area between Bernāti and Liepāja. Also in Jurmalciems.

How to find washed amber?
According to observations observed by the sea, amber is most often washed away from seaweed after higher winds and waves at sea. The coast of Kurzeme is especially generous for amber seekers. Pavilosta and Liepaja are the most popular places that boast large quantities of amber.

How to recognize real amber?
Amber or phosphorus? Read this so that the walk by the sea does not end in surprises!
- Rub the amber against the pants and smell of resin.
- Phosphorus is very weak, but it smells like garlic.
- The authenticity of amber is determined by means of an ultraviolet lamp, which checks whether the money is genuine or counterfeit. If the amber is genuine, it will have a bluish-green color under this lamp,
- Fake amber or white phosphorus, which is a legacy of the Soviet army and is washed ashore from time to time by the sea.
- A connoisseur can distinguish real amber from fake ones by several features - phosphorus pieces do not have sharp edges and are not as clear as real amber. People are advised not to carry a piece of amber in your pocket until you are absolutely sure that it is real. It can be tested primitively - by heating the wet sand with a lighter flame. Phosphorus will heat up and dry out.
How to distinguish?
Yellow, clear.
Bright, pronounced color, broken is transparent.
Most often small stones.
Greenish, grayish-yellow, matte.
Duller hue, not transparent when broken.
Crumbier, more fragile.
With an edged surface.
There may be an unpleasant odor.
There are also suspicious large pieces.
Amber in history
A little about amber – it is the only precious stone that was born millions of years ago from the resin of old trees like pines. There are many forests in the Baltics, so we are still an amber land on the coast of the Amber Sea. Also called - Sea wax, sun stone, tiger soul.
Our predecessors noticed not only the nuanced beauty and easy workability of this stone - it is quite soft - but were also aware of its magical properties, believing that amber increases strength and spirit, invokes luck and strengthens health, confuses the plans of ill-wishers and can protect against the evil eye. Amber brooches are already mentioned in Homer's Odyssey, they decorated the headdress of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. During the reign of Nero, merchants were sent to the northern lands directly for Baltic amber, because it was considered the most valuable in the world. In ancient times, a powerful slave could be exchanged for a piece of such a sun stone.