Full Face Mask Diver

Diving with a full face mask allows you to breathe from your nose and mouth, as well as provides additional comfort in cooler water. The mask can also be equipped with communication tools that can be useful for various types of diving where communication is required. Who uses full face underwater […]

Open water divers

Diving in Raja's career

We have conducted underwater diving in the Rajju quarry reservoir and conducted a survey to evaluate the suitability of the lake for underwater diving. How to get to Rajju quarry: Rajju quarry is located in Jēkabpils, Krustpils parish. You can get from Riga to Jēkabpilis by car along the A6 highway or by [...]

PADI Wreck Diver Course

PADI Wreck Diver course Diving club "Daivings.lv" offers to take the "PADI Wreck Diver" course to dive on wrecks sunk in the waters of Latvia. We also recommend completing the PADI Dry Suit Diver course to view sunken ships in comfortable conditions. This course is designed for divers […]

Search and Recovery Diver

Search and Recovery Diver

In the Search and Recovery Diver course, find items lost in the water that have fallen overboard or over the dock. Learn several effective ways to search and use a lifting buoy to lift heavy objects off the ground. It sometimes happens on the water- People […]

Underwater search with a metal detector

It is also possible to learn the training of a metal detector and the basics of its use, learn how to search properly with a professional underwater metal detector, ask your search and diving instructor about this course, how to search underwater with a metal detector! To apply for the course, Search […]

Compass and its use to navigate underwater

In diving, orienteering skills are always needed while underwater, and a navigation compass will help you navigate. An underwater compass is a magnetic compass. The main components of a compass are a compass box, a compass disc with a scale from 0 ° to 360 ° and a magnetized dart which, when rotated freely, […]

Diving in Venta hub in Kuldiga

Diving in the most unique places in Latvia. The underwater video in the Venta hub in Kuldiga was filmed several years ago. I decided to publish these documentary video footage, because in this way, I will probably draw more people to scuba diving, freediving and the interesting underwater world in Latvia. Video shows unique underwater shots from […]

Breathing exercises for divers and freedivers

Controlling and separating breathing between the nose and mouth is a necessary thing for underwater athletes who breathe through a regulator and dive with a breath hold. The following (soft palate) workouts will help you control the breathing processes in your body Touch your mouth Inhale through your nose Exhale […]

An underwater diver finds a lost wedding gold ring

Underwater club "Daivings" diver finds lost gold wedding ring underwater After an hour-long search underwater, diver finds lost gold ring to return to its owner Jānis lost the valuable family relic, the wedding ring, while relaxing with friends in Lake Ungura, Cēsis district. […]

Finding lost and drowned gold and jewelry with the help of a diver

Have you lost your jewels in the water? Don't lose hope! With the help of a diver, it is possible to find lost gold and jewelry even in deep water. How to search: Underwater search tips: Don't hesitate to contact a diver if you've lost your jewelry in the water. With professional help, you have […]