Shark and diver. Photographer Maris Binde. Diving club DIVING.

Underwater photography tips with model

PADI trainer Valters Preimanis, an instructor of the International Diving Club "Diving", who teaches a course of underwater photography and is often seen on filming grounds, gives advice on underwater photography and a frame with a model - "Create an underwater shot so that divers can see well to their eyes [ …]

Knights of Dzelme

Aleksandrs Kalvāns “Knights of the Brain”

The book "Dzelmes bruņinieki" contains photos of many former and active Latvian diving athletes, including photos with the activities of the diving club "Diving", and uses information from the materials provided by the instructor of the diving club "Diving" Valters Preimanis. Book on the share price, limited quantity 14.95 […]

We go out into the Gulf of Riga with a sailing yacht

Maritime Radio Service

Maritime Radio Service. GMDSS All coastal waters in the Baltic Sea region are covered by onshore VHF DSC stations and are therefore classified as GMDSS Marine Area A1. The central parts of larger basins do not reach the VHF, but they are fully […]

Cold baths for beginners

Cold baths for beginners

Diving instructor Valters Preimanis, whose job is diving training, cools his body with cold baths in winter and cold weather, as well as brings diving club athletes who want to harden their bodies into the cold world. Frequently asked questions about cold baths. What do you want […]

The upper part of Staburaga in 2021

What is diving like in Staburaga in the Daugava River?

Scuba diving in Staburags researchers are interested Diving instructor Valters Preimanis says that both firefighters and underwater archaeologists and sports divers have dived in Staburags. The archive of the diving club contains a video where a group of divers from SFRS inspects Staburags. Staburags was once 19.5 meters high and […]

Winter ice diving with diving club DIVING

Winter diving in Latvia

Winter diving in Latvia Traditionally, the scuba diving season in Latvian waters lasts from May to September and lasts for 5 months, information is presented by the scuba diving club "Diving", diver instructor - coach Valters Preimanis. Scuba diving athletes - enthusiasts often with […]

Dolomite quarry reservoir aerial photo

Diving Dolomite quarry reservoir

The lake, which has developed in the place of a quarry, is located in the district of Riga, in the territory of Jurmala. To reach the Dolomite quarry reservoir, on the way from Riga you have to spend ~ 25 minutes. To dive in the Dolomite quarry reservoir, you can use the parking lot at the Dolomite quarry, located after […]

Stock exchange quarry sunken railway

History of the Biržai quarry In 1984, dolomite began to be mined in this area, as the Radži quarry near Jēkabpils was almost depleted in terms of resources and the dolomite plant called “Dolomite” in Jēkabpils needed dolomite to be able to provide […]

Diving clothes

What is a diving suit

What is a diving suit? Initially, people dived without special clothes, holding the air, later used a tube (reeds), with it […]

Diving regulator maintenance

Diving equipment maintenance

Valters Preimanis, the instructor of the diving club "Diving", says about the maintenance of diving equipment, "Whether you dive every weekend or only on vacation, scuba diving equipment requires long-term, regular maintenance. With properly maintained equipment, you are more likely to be involved in safe diving and the equipment will do its job well. ”