Open Water Diver PADI Open Water Diver Diver training.jpg

From how many years can children start scuba diving in Latvia?

PADI MSDT instructor Valters Preimanis asks and answers to the diving club "Diving": From what years can children start scuba diving in Latvia? Children in Latvia learn scuba diving skills, Open Water Diver, 1st level is from 10 years old, No 12 […]

Swimming pool for children and beginners

Take part in creating a pool where you can learn diving for children and beginners

Diving club "Diving" is enthusiastic about completing the pool for children and beginners. The pool will be suitable for rehabilitation purposes. You have the opportunity to participate and support the creation of a diving pool with your participation, as well as it is possible to donate funds for the creation of the pool. […]

Swimming pool for children and beginners

Free diving lesson

Dive with the club "DIVING" and help dive for others We help low-income children and low-income families! Apply for an acquaintance if he is on a low income, dreams of water, but cannot afford to dive. We will train and show one person once a month […]

Questions and answers about scuba diving

Questions and answers about scuba diving

When you, as a young diver, tell your friends and colleagues that you have recently dived and are now a certified scuba diver, their immediate response is likely to be intriguing: “Wow. Did you do it? I'm not sure I could do that! ”[…]

Open water diver, diving club

How deep can you scuba dive?

Many new open water divers, young divers ask how deep they are allowed to dive as an Open Diver compared to an Extended Open Diver. According to Valters Preimanis, the instructor of the diving club "Diving", "This is the depth at which you will be stopped and will not be allowed […]

Diver Equipment Museum in Latvia

Latvian divers' museum, divers' equipment museum

Donating to the divers' museum in Latvia, Riga Currently, the "Latvian Divers' Museum" exhibition is being collected, if you want to participate in its creation, the place of collection is Pinķos, Mārupe district, LV-2107, phone 220-77-202. All supporters who help in the creation of the collection will be entered in the list of honored guests of the "Submarine Museum [...]

Diving in Aiviekste quarry reservoir

Diving in Aiviekste quarry lake

Diving Aiviekste quarry reservoir is part of the activities of the diving club "DAIVINGS", touring Latvian lakes. On a daily basis, the instructors of the diving club, who have acquired skills and received the highest marks, in the Diving Instructors Professional Association PADI, train divers in the Dolomite quarry reservoir near Sloka, Riga. What […]

PADI Women's Diving Day with Diving

PADI women's diving day

This year, we are inviting women divers to join the global celebrations and dive on July 17, 2021 to help create a balance between people and the ocean. Together with the diving club "DIVING" and PADI diving coach, instructor Valters Preimanis and diving club assistants, Diving Masters (PADI […]

Diving lessons for children in diving equipment

Diving lessons for children

With their natural curiosity and desire to learn new skills, children can quickly become the best scuba divers. Diving club "Diving", instructor Valters Preimanis (PADI MSDT) has compiled a list of all available scuba diving courses that children can attend, both in Latvia, […]