Underwater photography and filming

We professionally perform photography and filming of underwater objects, as well as train underwater photographers who receive an international certificate after the completion of diving courses - Padi Photographer or Padi Videographer. The underwater camera is housed in a special plastic or aluminum case that keeps the camera dry and allows access to the camera buttons underwater.

Important facts about underwater photography

Water absorbs colors such as red, orange and yellow. Therefore, your underwater photos will look blue when you are not using the flash. The deeper you are, the more colors are absorbed. Compact cameras have built-in flashes that can be used to add color to your photos. Underwater photographers often use an external flash as a way to add color. Water reduces contrast, color, and sharpness, so underwater photos should be taken 1 meter away from the camera, preferably much closer. You need to get closer to the subject you are about to photograph underwater.

Important underwater filming facts

Jacques Cousteau created the world 's first underwater video. These underwater films inspired thousands of people as well as deep-sea researchers. As a result of underwater films, many people saw for the first time new species of flora and fauna, famous historical shipwrecks and unexplored underwater caves. That way Cousteau the films gave underwater cinema more prestige and attention. People follow with interest the works of underwater videography that share this indescribable environment with the rest of the world.

Jacques Cousteau

Not all of us can become Jacques Cousteau, but preparation and regular work can make you a good underwater video director. When shooting underwater videos, you want to make sure that nearby objects are not damaged. This may sound incredible, but it can be quite difficult to keep your focus on the subject while making sure you are close enough to the subject and remain vigilant about the environment and surrounding underwater objects.