Padi Junior Open Water Diver

Padi Junior Open Water Diver (10-14)

The PADI Junior Open Water Diver Course is a globally recognized scuba diving certificate for children ages 10 to 14. The PADI Junior Open Water Diver Certificate can be passed between the ages of 10 and 11, and juniors can dive with […]

Underwater Photographer specialty and training

The Underwater Photographer Specialty Course is part of the PADI Underwater Training Specialty, which can be taken by any PADI Open Water Diver, PADI Junior Open or other similarly qualified diver from the age of 10. This underwater photographer course […]

Open water divers

Extended open water diver

The extended open diver is the next diving training course, after the initial diving course - the Open Diver, and the extended open diver acquires the right to dive to a depth of 30 meters after completing five diving lessons. Become more knowledgeable in the course Advanced Diver […]

First aid training

First aid training Diving is one of the safest sports in the world. One of the preconditions for a diver to be able to provide first aid is to have completed the first aid course, "Emergency First Response". Many PADI instructors are also “First Aid First Aid” […]

PADI Junior Open Water Diver certificate

PADI Junior Open Water Diver Certificate The PADI Junior Open Water Diver Training Course is a globally recognized scuba diving training course and certificate for children ages 10 to 14. Junior Open Water Diver training takes place under the supervision of a parent or guardian. PADI […]

Open water diver

Open water diver

The open water diver is a beginner's diving course, in which divers are certified in open water bodies, from a beginner to a diver's depth of 18 meters, confirms Valters Preimanis, a diving club "Diving" instructor. The certificate is registered with the Professional Association of Diving (PADI) […]

Tec Trimix 65

Tec Trimix 65 and PADI Tec 50 diver, scuba diving training in Latvia or Egypt. Apply here.

PADI Tec 50 Diver Course

PADI Tec 50 Diver

Professional diver with experience, certified PADI Tec 50 Diver. Apply for scuba diving training under the guidance of an internationally recognized instructor using the contact form.

PADI diving instructor Valters Preimanis Advisor and instructor with 17 years of experience in diving. PADI MSDT, Tec Deep Instructor, Freediver Instructor, PADI Adaptive Techniques and Emergency First Response Instructor. Valters is the manager and training director of the Latvian diving organization "". He is a PADI certified instructor of the International Association of Professional Diving Instructors, specializing in technical diving, free diving and people with various physical and mental disabilities. Walter is an experienced and knowledgeable dive instructor who is committed to providing his students with safe and effective diving training. He is also an avid diver who has explored the underwater world around the world.

PADI Open Water Diver certificate

PADI Open Water Diver Course The PADI Open Water Diver Course is a beginner's course that teaches divers how to safely and comfortably dive to a depth of 18 meters. PADI Open Water Diver Course Requirements To apply for the PADI Open Water Diver Course, you […]

Scuba diving training

If you want to feel the connection between yourself and the environment, which gives unique impressions by looking at the wonderful underwater world, join other scuba divers and pass scuba diving training! Diving portal invites you to join the hundreds and thousands of scuba divers who look at […]