Underwater survey of Freeport piers with divers

Dronelab SIA divers participate in underwater works in the port

of the company SIA "Dronelab" divers participate in underwater survey work in the Republic of Latvia and in the Baltic States, we conduct underwater survey of the bed with the help of divers at various facilities. In Latvia, we have participated in the underwater survey of the bed in the territory of the city of Riga and the port of Riga, the strengthening of the Daugava embankment and the underwater survey of the related infrastructure construction.

The clients of our company's underwater technical works and various divers' works are the largest Latvian ports - Liepājas port, Ventspils port, Riga port, Salacgrivas port, Skulte port, Rojas port. Latvian companies for whom we have carried out underwater diver work - Latvian Hydrographic Service, Latvian Maritime Administration, Latvian Finieris, Latvian National Library, Riga Freeport Authority.

Work manager – "Dronelab" SIA, phone number tel. 220-77-202, e-mail: [email protected]

Dronelab SIA divers participate in underwater works in the port

Composition and scope of underwater survey works

In procurement "Underwater survey of Freeport wharves with divers", our company's divers participate in underwater survey works. Installation of picketing with a step of 10.0m in the direction from the shore of the oil port towards the sea. Installation of a separate picket line with a step of 5.0m perpendicular to the shore at the junction of the pier section with a total length of <10.0m. Underwater reinforced concrete shell pile wall survey in the pier section L=<100m parallel to the cordon line.

Port of Pavilosta

What is picketing, picketing in underwater survey work?

Picketing or leveling is the selection of points in nature, under water and marking with stakes.

Underwater survey with divers
Underwater survey with divers

Tasks of a diver in underwater survey work

  • surveying the shell pile wall from the bottom of the pier's reinforced concrete superstructure (note +0.10m) to the actual bed marks;
  • surveying the soil impermeability structure between the shell piles, fixing the provision of soil impermeability;
  • detection and fixation of structural element defects by determining their type, nature, dimensions, depth;
  • fixation of the performed repair and constructive solution changes;
  • underwater inspection of the bed along the walls of the shell piles to detect leaching and/or removal of the backfill soil;
  • bed mark measurements in the cordon zone with a step of 5.0 m along the shell pile wall and 2.0 m away from the shell pile wall in accordance with the installed picketing;
  • survey of the bed for detection of extraneous objects in the 10.0m wide berth area of the berth cordon.
Underwater survey master plan
Underwater Survey Master Plan (Sample)

Preparation of executive documentation of underwater survey and content of executive documentation

  • survey deed;
  • executive scheme indicating the location of defects and damaged sections (picket and depth mark), the limits of the constructive solutions of the grooved wall, bed marks and extraneous objects
  • position (including depth mark on it);
  • a list of detected defects and damages with reference to the picket and bed mark, indicating their dimensions (length, width, depth) and type;
  • photofixation of detected defects and damages
Underwater survey works in Ventspils

Conditions of execution of works (sample of underwater survey)

  • The works are performed under the supervision of the Customer's representative (certified specialist in port and marine hydrotechnical structures).
  • For the duration of the works, the Customer shall hand over to the Contractor the technical documentation at his disposal for the surveyed pier.
  • Execution of works - <20 calendar days from the moment of signing the contract.
Underwater survey works in Ventspils port

Informative about the completed underwater technical works

  1. Underwater survey of the bed with the help of divers
  2. Diving services bed sampling
  3. Underwater technical inspection
  4. Underwater technical diving works in the port
  5. Apply for bed and underwater technical survey works

Foreman - Dronelab Ltd, phone tel. 220-77-202, e-mail: [email protected]