For winter swimming enthusiasts, neoprene booties and neoprene gloves are useful

We ask questions to an expert and ask for advice on winter swimming. Can neoprene boots and gloves for winter swimming be purchased at specialty sporting goods stores, dive shops, or online? Our interviewed expert confirms that in the proposed choice, attention should be paid to the right size, quality and appropriate thickness according to the planned swimming environment and conditions. The questions and the answers given by the expert can be found below.

Cold baths for beginners
Cold baths for beginners

Winter swimming in ice conditions for abalone in lakes and rivers can be an exciting and refreshing experience with several benefits. Here are some reasons why people do winter swimming in winter abalone:

  1. Health and strengthening immunity: Swimming in cold water can improve blood circulation and stimulate the immune system. Cold water acts as a stress factor, which the body tries to compensate by promoting blood circulation and improving general health.
  2. Improving mood: Cold water and cold immersion can trigger the release of endorphins (feel-good hormones). It can improve mood, reduce stress and promote well-being.
  3. Stamina and performance improvement: Winter swimming engages people in endurance training by making longlines. Cold water requires the body to adapt and helps build endurance and performance.
  4. Social aspect: Winter swimming is often practiced in groups, which promotes social interaction and a sense of community. Participating in shared experiences with others can be motivating and exciting.
  5. A taste of adventure: For some people, winter swimming is a quest for adventure that offers new and exciting opportunities. It can be a way to express yourself, overcome yourself and feel alive and fulfilled.
  6. Contact with nature: Winter swimming offers an opportunity to connect closely with nature and experience the cold season in a different way. Swimming on an ice-covered lake or river can be a particularly beautiful experience.
  7. Feeling of adrenaline: The cold water offers a test of endurance and adrenaline-filled moments that some people appreciate as a recharging and stimulating experience.
Motivational technique for a cold winter swim
Motivational technique for a cold winter swim

However, it is important to remember that winter swimming is not for everyone and requires caution. Consult a health professional beforehand and follow safety rules to ensure a pleasant and safe experience.

The world of PADI ICE under ice
The world of PADI ICE under ice

Tips and experiences on how to use boots and gloves wisely?

for winter swimming in abalone with an instructor

We ask questions to the water expert, trainer Valters Preimanis, who teaches private lessons for young water for enthusiasts.

Question: Why is it important to wear booties and gloves when swimming in cold water?

Answer: Booties and gloves are important when swimming in cold water as they provide protection against the cold, retain body heat and prevent the risk of frostbite, thus promoting a safe and comfortable swimming experience.

Question: How can cold water affect the human body if booties and gloves are not used in winter swimming?

Answer: If boots and gloves are not used in winter swimming, the cold water can cause the body temperature to drop, increasing the risk of hypothermia and affecting the comfort and mobility of the extremities.

Question: Why is neoprene a popular material for winter swimming booties and gloves?

Answer: Neoprene is a popular material for boots and gloves for winter swimming because it provides good thermal insulation, elasticity and water resistance, guaranteeing comfort and protection against the cold in the long term.

Question: How do booties and gloves help ensure winter swimming safety?

Answer: Winter swimming boots and gloves provide safety by protecting feet and hands, reducing slippage on icy surfaces and increasing the overall level of comfort during swimming.

Question: How can the right booties and gloves improve the swimming experience by providing comfort and control?

Answer: The right booties and gloves enhance the swimming experience by providing warmth, comfort and toe mobility for comfort and increased control above and below water. These garments also reduce the impact of slippery surfaces on feel and movement, making swimming more enjoyable.

Question: What advice do you have for other winter swimmers regarding the proper selection and use of booties and gloves?

Answer: I would recommend choosing boots and gloves made of neoprene material with the appropriate thickness, which ensures optimal thermal insulation. Also, make sure your after-swim clothing fits your individual needs and comfort to get the most out of your winter swimming experience.

What boots and gloves to wear?

Winter swimming in the cold with neoprene booties avoids the burning sensation of the feet in the cold. The booties are black in color, with a flexible rubber sole and 5 mm thickness, they are ideal for winter swimming enthusiasts, providing optimal thermal insulation. Safety and comfort in winter with Cressi High Stretch gloves are irreplaceable in winter and swimming conditions. With a durable interior and non-slip finish, they provide a secure grip and easy donning. The functional neoprene construction helps those who love the cold. The pre-formed shape of the booties and gloves promotes the natural position of the hand with semi-flexed fingers. This not only increases comfort, but also provides maximum control underwater.

Cressi Isla neoprene booties and Cressi High Stretch Gloves are ideal for winter swimming enthusiasts, providing optimal protection against the cold and allowing you to enjoy the underwater experience. These gloves and booties are made of high-quality neoprene in black with a thickness of 5 mm, which provides optimal thermal insulation.

The inside is covered with metalite, which makes them easy to put on and provides additional heat retention. The entire surface is covered with a non-slip finish, ensuring a secure grip and comfortable swimming in all situations. The glove's pre-formed shape promotes the natural position of the hand with semi-bent fingers, providing maximum comfort and control underwater.

High flexibility gloves are designed by Cressi in Italy and manufactured in their factories, ensuring high quality and technological innovation. Cressi is an Italian brand that boasts over 75 years of experience in the design and manufacture of diving, snorkeling and swimming equipment. Trust Cressi to enjoy comfort and safety underwater, even in extreme conditions.

Where to buy neoprene boots and neoprene gloves for winter swimming?

Virtually always available online, order and get it the next day!

Cressi 5mm ISLA SOLE Boots neoprene diving boots
Cressi 5mm ISLA SOLE Boots neoprene booties
Cressi High Stretch Gloves, Black, 5 mm underwater diving elastic gloves
Cressi High Stretch Gloves, Black, 5 mm underwater diving elastic gloves

If you want to dive, where can you learn to scuba dive?

In order to start your first diving experience and start underwater research through diving, freediving or snorkeling, you must understand that it is a very exciting activity that requires both dedication, time and good physical preparation, a good foundation of knowledge is needed. Prospective divers need to make a decision about where to get their first scuba diving certification, understand the importance of getting a good foundation of knowledge.

We practice diving both in the pool and in the lakes. To dive in a diving pool in Riga, Mārupe district (application required, phone/WhatsApp 220-77-202)

Underwater diving in the pool in Mārupe, Underwater diving club DIVINGS
Underwater diving in the pool in Mārupe, in the diving club DIVINGS

Latvian diving instructor Valters Preimanis, who teaches diving training at the DIVINGS club, won the PADI Elite Instructor Award (2020 PADI Elite Instructor Award) for his contribution to the development of diving. Instructor Valters Preimanis has been awarded PADI Elite Instructor Award 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 award.

Do you need neoprene boots and neoprene gloves?

Yes, because they provide health and comfort! Neoprene products for swimmers and divers are available on the Internet, order from the warehouse in Mārupe and receive it the next day!