Intro Dive

Intro Dive

Have you been thinking about scuba diving for a long time to get to know the underwater world in Latvian waters, the Red Sea or elsewhere in the world? Here's a great opportunity to start diving training!

Intro Dive

The intro dive is your first acquaintance with the underwater world accompanied by a professional instructor, as well as a test of the diving equipment and your buoyancy.

This is how Intro Dive training takes place for one person

  • Introductory briefing – 60 min.
  • Underwater lesson – 60 min.
  • A diploma that remains in memory.

Useful information about Intro Dive

  • Minimum age of visitors: from 8 years
  • Available equipment: equipment (wetsuit, mask, buoyancy compensator (vest), fins, regulator, booties, gloves, balloon)
  • Necessary equipment Intro Dive for exercise: towel, swimsuit or swimwear
  • Dating, the next step -  PADI Open Water Diver (OWD) certification

Working hours: all year round, on working days from 08.00 to 20.00, on weekends - by agreement.

Venue: Swimming pool

The price: Look here…

Intro Dive

Find out more about scuba diving training.