The diving instructor entangles and drowns in his career

On March 11 this year, Dorothea's quarry in the UK took another diver. The tragically dead are Paula Blakemore, IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix and Rebreather Instructor from New Frontier Diving School in Manchester, which has three daughters and a husband left in the house.

She and her diving partner used closed-type vibrators. Diving in one of the deepest places in the quarry, where it is 108 meters deep, the diver was entangled in the rope of the diving buoy after the buoy had sunk with water and started to sink.

Her hunger quickly swam after unsuccessful release of the diver from the rope and was taken to the hospital with signs of decompression sickness and shock.

In the last thirteen, this quarry has taken the lives of more than 20 divers, this is the last incident in the last 3 years.

Dorothea's quarry owner is a real estate developer and the quarry is not a public diving site, but it is used by many technical divers because of its available depth. expresses its condolences.