Forum most active scuba diver BH2, whose list of achievements is White shark layout creation as well The beam is plentazaur The creation of a peer, along with its supporters, is set to set a new Guinness World Record, which is related to the record of playing underwater checkers! Read more about preparing for the underwater checkers record forum
As reported by the initiator of the event BH2:
So, as you will have noticed, the discussion about playing checkers underwater started some time ago. The idea was to beat the Estonians by playing checkers underwater, the total number of Estonians was 52, and to set a new Guinness World Record - the most people who play checkers underwater at the same time. We hope to gather around 100 participants. We have realized that the intended idea is feasible.
Place: Swimming pool of Natalija Draudziņa Gymnasium.
Participants: all who want and have something OWD certificate (or analog). Apply to me now in private correspondence, later we will see if there is a lack of divers, we will ask for help from clubs.
Checkers tables: so far one sample has been made and it is good enough to make the other 50 tables in the same way. Plexiglass table, sticker. Composite resin, cement and paint stones.
Diving equipment: it is intended that each person who applies will also provide himself with inventory, a balloon. We have to look, because it is clear that not everyone in the house has a full set of equipment, the time will come soon, if there is a lot of uncertainty in this matter, let's think.
Sponsors: a sponsor is currently actively sought for the success of this event.
Time: The time is not yet known, but most likely it will be us in May. To be announced separately.
Purpose of the event: set a Guinness World Record and gain self-satisfaction.
We have also studied the requirements of Guinness, everything is simple and understandable enough to be done. The main thing is to document everything, photograph and film it, announce it to the local press, get a couple of independent witnesses and don't confuse anything. The players themselves - before registering for the game (there will be girls who will write everything down), in addition to the identity document, if the record is set (as otherwise) and you want to get an original Guinness World Record certificate, you will have to ask Guinness yourself (this costs 15, - pounds + postage), because we will send the total list of participants to London, then it all depends on your wishes.
We will describe the whole procedure in more detail later.
So, that's all for now, if you have any questions, suggestions, write in the forum, privately or by e-mail: [email protected]. You can also call 2_6_8_4_1_4_2_7