Dronelab SIA divers participate in underwater works in the port

Underwater survey of Freeport piers with divers

Divers of SIA "Dronelab" participate in underwater survey work in the Republic of Latvia and in the Baltic States. In Latvia, we have participated in the underwater survey of the bed in the territory of the city of Riga and the port of Riga, the strengthening of the Daugava embankment and related infrastructure [...]

Underwater survey master plan

Underwater survey of the bed (with the help of divers)

Underwater survey of the bed In the Republic of Latvia and the Baltic States, we conduct underwater survey of the bed with the help of divers at various facilities. In Latvia, we have participated in the underwater survey of the bed in the territory of the city of Riga and the port of Riga, the strengthening of the Mūkusala street embankment and the construction of the related infrastructure. Our company's underwater [...]

Rescue Diver Diving Club Diving

Pre-Dive Safety Check (BWRAF)

What is a pre-dive safety check? As divers, safety is our top priority. First, safety for yourself, then for other divers and even for marine life. As we are all fallible, following the BWRAF inspection can prevent equipment problems and human error. According to […]

First aid for victims in water

First aid for victims in water

First medical aid for victims of hypothermia rescued from water! Remember that timely notification of an accident is a decisive factor in saving life! Emergency services take care of accidents at sea: Phone 115 (emergency service). The emergency telephone number of the State Fire and Rescue Service [...]

View of the Daugava with the lifebuoy in the foreground Photo diving club Daivings.lv

A survival kit that is necessary in cold water, in an emergency situation

Checklist for survival in cold water Remember that timely notification of the emergency services is a decisive factor in saving life! Accidents at sea are taken care of by the emergency services: What is needed to be able to survive longer in cold water, being in it for several hours: Emergency situations or […]

Providing assistance in case of hypothermia

Assisting water rescuers with hypothermia

Helping those rescued from water in hypothermic conditions Remember that timely notification of an accident is a decisive factor in saving life! Emergency services take care of accidents at sea: Phone 115 (emergency service). The emergency telephone number of the State Fire and Rescue Service is 112. If [...]

Hottest diving moments of the year

The hottest diving moments and events in 2022 – Opened Vīgante stage, flooded by Pļaviņu HPP, which is located in Daugava, under water, at a depth of 8-15 meters https://daivings.lv/nirsana-daugava-uz-plavinu-hes…/ – Diving in Staburaga in Daugava https://daivings.lv/nirsana-daugava-uz-plavinu-hes…/ ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwAftNsUFuA&t=7s -Drifting along the Lielupe stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP7OrXKCWjQ&t=450s -Going to the sea, diving to the sunken plane https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPr6pHWoryE – […]

Dolphin ship with divers of diving club Diving

Abandoning the watercraft and ship in an emergency

Remember that timely notification of an accident is a decisive factor in saving life! Emergency services take care of accidents at sea: Phone 115 (emergency service). The emergency telephone number of the State Fire and Rescue Service is 112. Abandoning a watercraft and ship in an emergency situation The following is […]