Trimix 20/40 for diving at a depth of 60 meters

Trimix 20/40 is a gas mixture consisting of 20% oxygen, 40% helium and 40% nitrogen. This mixture is suitable for diving up to a depth of 60 meters.

Why is Trimix 20/40 suitable for a depth of 60 meters?

  • Safe PO2 Level: The 20% oxygen provides a safe partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) at a depth of 60 meters. Excess PO2 can cause oxygen toxicity, which can lead to seizures.
  • Reduced END: The composition of Trimix reduces the equivalent narcotic depth (END). This means that the diver will feel less intoxicated than if he were breathing only air at a depth of 60 meters.

How does Trimix 20/40 work?

  • Helium reduces narcosis: Helium is less narcotic than nitrogen. Therefore, replacing some of the nitrogen with helium reduces the risk of narcosis.
  • Optimum gas density: The 20/40 mixture provides optimal gas density at a depth of 60 meters. Too much gas density can make breathing difficult.

Important to remember:

  • Trimix diving is difficult and requires special training.
  • Always follow safety rules and plan your dive carefully.
  • Consult a qualified dive instructor for more information on Trimix diving.

This is just a brief overview of Trimix 20/40. To gain a full understanding of this topic, it is important to attend specialized courses and consult with experienced divers.