Hyperbaric therapy is medical procedureduring which the patient breathes 100% oxygen under conditions of increased pressure. This therapy is used to treat a variety of health conditions, such as carbon monoxide poisoning, severe infections and wound healing problems, diving club “Diving Club” informs Dr. K. Krastiņš.
What is hyperbaric therapy?
Hyperbaric therapy is performed in a special chamber where the pressure is increased to 2-3 atmospheres. This means that the patient breathes oxygen that is 2-3 times more concentrated than in a normal atmosphere. Under these conditions, oxygen dissolves better in the blood and tissues, thereby promoting tissue healing and fighting infections.
Hyperbaric therapy is essential in the treatment of divers, especially in the case of decompression sickness. Decompression sickness occurs when diver rising to the surface too quickly from great depths, causing nitrogen bubbles to form in the blood and tissues. These bubbles can block blood flow, causing pain, paralysis, and even death. Hyperbaric therapy helps to reduce these nitrogen bubbles by using increased pressure and 100% oxygen, which allows the body to eliminate the nitrogen more quickly and restore normal blood flow.
How does it work?
Increased pressure allows more oxygen to be dissolved in the blood. This extra oxygen is delivered to the body's tissues, promoting:
- Wound healing: Oxygen helps form new blood vessels and skin tissue.
- Infection control: Increased oxygen levels can inhibit bacterial growth.
- Carbon monoxide poisoning Prevention: Oxygen displaces carbon monoxide from hemoglobin, restoring normal oxygen delivery to tissues.
What are the benefits and risks?
- Promotes wound healing
- Helps fight infections
- Effective treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning
- May help treat other health problems, such as decompression sickness
- Treatment of decompression sickness: Hyperbaric therapy is effective for treating decompression sickness because it helps reduce nitrogen bubbles in the blood and tissues that occur when you ascend too quickly.
- It promotes the supply of oxygen to the affected tissues, promoting their recovery.
- Other benefits: May help treat other diving-related injuries, such as pulmonary barotrauma and air embolism.
- May promote wound healing and fight infections that may occur after diving accidents.
- Ear and sinus injuries: Pressure changes inside a hyperbaric chamber can cause ear and sinus injuries if not properly equalized.
- Lung damage: In rare cases, high oxygen pressure can cause lung damage.
- Vision changes: Some people may experience temporary vision changes after hyperbaric therapy.
- Claustrophobia:Staying in a closed chamber can cause claustrophobia.
- Oxygen toxicity: Prolonged or high exposure to oxygen can cause oxygen toxicity, which can damage the lungs and central nervous system.
- It is important to note that hyperbaric therapy is a medical procedure and its use should be considered with a doctor, especially for divers who have had diving accidents.
In conclusion about therapy
Hyperbaric therapy is an effective treatment for a variety of health conditions. However, before starting this therapy, it is important to consult with a doctor to determine if it is right for you and to assess the potential risks.