Aquawing Plus BCD: Perfekta Peldspēja un Komforts Jebkuram Nirējam!
Iepazīstinām ar Aquawing Plus BCD, vienu izmēru “donut” tipa kompensatoru, kas pieejams veikalā. Šis inovatīvais BCD ir izstrādāts, lai pielāgotos jebkurai anatomijai (gan vīriešiem, gan sievietēm), izmantojot jauno patentēto MAS (Modular Adjustment System) sistēmu.
Inovatīva MAS (Modular Adjustment System) Sistēma:
- Viena 50 mm josta, kas aptver plecus un vidukli, ļauj ātri un vienkārši pielāgot BCD jūsu izmēram.
- Šī sistēma nodrošina precīzu un ērtu pielāgošanu, neatkarīgi no jūsu ķermeņa formas.
Optimizēta Peldspējas Konstrukcija:
- Gaisa pūšļa forma ir izstrādāta, lai nodrošinātu perfektu peldspēju ar vienu cilindru.
- Anodēta vieglmetāla aizmugurējā plāksne samazina BCD kopējo svaru, vienlaikus garantējot stabilitāti un drošību lietošanā.
- Īpašs termoplastiskā gumijas cilindra atbalsts, kas integrēts ar BCD aizmuguri, nodrošina tvertnes pozicionēšanu optimālai trimēšanai.
Izcils Komforts un Funkcionalitāte:
- Plecu siksnas un aizmugurējais pārsegs ir izgatavoti no “air-net” materiāla, lai palielinātu komfortu un uzlabotu ūdens drenāžu.
- BCD ir aprīkots ar divām svaru kabatām, kas piestiprinātas tieši pie aizmugurējās plāksnes jūsu sānu līmenī.
- Aizmugurējā pārsegumā ir īpaša kabata, kas paredzēta dekompresijas bojas ievietošanai.
Pieejamie Modeļi:
- Aquawing Plus BCD, melns/zils: SKU: IC79010
- Aquawing Plus BCD, melns/melns: SKU: IC790150
- Aquawing Plus BCD, melns/sarkans: SKU: IC790180
Galvenās Aquawing Plus BCD Priekšrocības:
- Universāls izmērs: Pielāgojas jebkuram nirējam, izmantojot MAS sistēmu.
- Perfekta peldspēja: Optimizēta konstrukcija nodrošina stabilu un ērtu niršanu.
- Lightweight and durable: Anodēta vieglmetāla aizmugurējā plāksne.
- Izcils komforts: “Air-net” materiāls un ergonomisks dizains.
- Praktiska funkcionalitāte: Svaru kabatas un dekompresijas bojas kabata.
Iegādājieties Aquawing Plus BCD veikalā un izbaudiet nepārspējamu komfortu, peldspēju un funkcionalitāti jūsu nākamajos niršanas piedzīvojumos!
Papildus Informācija:
- Apmeklējiet veikalu, lai apskatītu šo un citus niršanas kompensatorus.
- Mūsu eksperti ir gatavi atbildēt uz jūsu jautājumiem un palīdzēt jums izvēlēties piemērotāko niršanas aprīkojumu.
Cressi code: IC79010 (with weight pockets). This model is recommended by PADI instructor Valters Preimanis, who says – “With this vest, the diver can move much more freely, because all the weights can be placed only on the BC, which makes diving easier“.
The popular Cressi Aquawing Plus diving vest is a one-size-fits-all oval vest designed to fit all genders (male and female) with the new patented MAS (Modular Adjustment System): actually one 50mm belt that covers the shoulders and waist , can be quickly extracted. adjust to the size you need. Cressi Aquawing Plus The integrated weight pockets on the belt and the balloon greatly lighten the diver's waist and allow him to move freely!
CRESSI AQUAWING is the best for the demanding diver!
The shape of the air bladder is designed to ensure perfect buoyancy with the mono air cylinder. An anodized light alloy back plate reduces the overall weight of the vest while guaranteeing stability and safety of use. The special cylinder support made of thermoplastic rubber, integrated into the back of the shell, guarantees the position of the tank for optimal finishing. The shoulder straps and back cap are made of air mesh material for improved comfort and improved water drainage. The vest is equipped with two weight pockets that attach directly to the back plate in line with your sides.
The back of the vest is equipped with a special pocket for placing a decompression buoy.
Description of AQUAWING PLUS BCD
AQUAWING PLUS is an interesting offer of wings with a robust construction, but at the same time light (2.90 kg) and small transport volume, all the advantages of the wing system, but with the interesting investment offered by Cressi in terms of straps and ballast systems.
- One-size-fits-all donut-shaped inflatable chamber (13.3 kg take-off capacity) designed to ensure perfect buoyancy and stability.
- Cordura 1500 D wing fabric with 210 D nylon inner tube with internal polyurethane injection.
- Patented MAS (Modular Adjustment System) belt system: a unique 50 mm belt stretches around the shoulders, armpits and waist and allows easy and quick adjustment and release of the wing in any situation and guarantees absolute stability during use. Its adjustability allows sizes to be combined into one size.
- Its pattern and strap arrangement make it 100% unisex with complete freedom of the chest area and belt, completely independent of the vest,
- Provides the stability of the diving wing to the diver and completely relieves the chest, armpits and abdominal area from the compression caused by the expansion. vest towards the back area and around the tank.
- Shoulder strap and plate cover with a comfortable padded lining made of closed cell material that prevents water or air from accumulating and therefore does not affect the inherent buoyancy of the BCD and promotes quick drying. Indispensable especially with light diving suits.
- An anodized light alloy plate reduces the overall weight of the kit (total 2.9 kg) while ensuring stability and safety in use. Machined loops for circumferential passage, sunk at 45°. The integrated ballast on the back of the plate will be available soon.
An integrated weight holder system mounted directly on the plate to guarantee its fixation both to maintain stability during diving and to not interfere with the management of the weight pockets. - Two weight compartments attached to the balloon strap.
- Durable 50mm stainless steel rings.
- An integrated thermoplastic rubber tank support area ensures perfect tank positioning and stability.
- Aft compartment for diver marker buoy.
- Direct inflation of the system: a metal filter at the air intake under the stem and a cylindrical filter around the valve. Very durable body and attractive design. Recalibrated and improved inflation rate, higher than 50%. New, highly durable and progressive new hose bend. Includes hose guide clamp. + Information
- Low profile top drain valve with backflow membrane to prevent accidental water ingress.
- A product of the specialized line, available only in specialized Cressi stores.
Summary of AQUAWING PLUS BCD technical features
- Two straps for attaching to a diving cylinder
- 5 stainless steel D-rings
- MAS (Modular Adjustment System)
- Camera material: Cordura 1500 D
- Inner chamber nylon 210 D with inner polyurethane lamination
- One size fits all (XS/XL)
- Longitudinal carrying handle.
- 2 rear weight pockets on the scuba tank strap.
- The weight pockets are 100% independent from the vest
- Takeoff power (measured according to CE regulations): 13.3 NW / 29.3 kg:
- Total weight 2.90 kg