Vai esi gatavs pārsniegt savas niršanas robežas un atklāt zemūdens pasaules daudzveidību?
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (AOWD) kurss ir nākamais loģiskais solis pēc Open Water Diver sertifikāta. Šis kurss ļaus tev pilnveidot savas prasmes, paplašināt zināšanas un kļūt par pārliecinātāku un daudzpusīgāku nirēju.
Ko tu iegūsi, apgūstot AOWD kursu?
- Piecas aizraujošas specializācijas: Izvēlies sev interesantākās specializācijas no plaša klāsta, piemēram, niršanu vrakos, nakts niršanu, niršanu ar kompasu, peldspējas kontroli un daudzām citām.
- Paplašinātas zināšanas: Uzzināsi vairāk par niršanas teoriju, aprīkojumu un drošību.
- Praktiskas prasmes: Pilnveidosi savas niršanas prasmes dažādos apstākļos un dziļumos.
- Pārliecība: Kļūsi par daudzpusīgāku un pārliecinātāku nirēju, kurš spēj droši nirt dažādās vidēs.
- Atvērtas durvis: AOWD sertifikāts ļaus tev piekļūt daudzveidīgākiem niršanas piedzīvojumiem visā pasaulē.
Kā izskatās AOWD kurss?
AOWD kurss sastāv no teorētiskās apmācības, praktiskām nodarbībām baseinā un atklātā ūdenī. Mūsu pieredzējušie instruktori tevi iepazīstinās ar visām nepieciešamajām zināšanām un prasmēm, lai tu justos droši un pārliecināts zem ūdens.
Kāpēc izvēlēties
Pieredzējuši instruktori: Mūsu komandā ir tikai sertificēti un pieredzējuši PADI instruktori, kuri ar prieku dalīsies savās zināšanās un padarīs tavu mācīšanās procesu aizraujošu.
Individuāla pieeja: Mēs piedāvājam individuālu pieeju katram klientam, pielāgojot kursa programmu tavām vajadzībām un interesēm.
Drošība: Mūsu prioritāte ir tava drošība. Mēs izmantojam tikai augstas kvalitātes aprīkojumu un stingri ievērojam visus drošības standartus.
Aizraujoši niršanas maršruti: Mēs organizējam niršanas ceļojumus uz dažādām pasaules vietām, kur tu varēsi izpētīt unikālus zemūdens pasaules brīnumus.
Esi gatavs atklāt jaunas niršanas iespējas?
Pievienojies mums un kļūsti par PADI Advanced Open Water Diver!
Sazinies ar mums jau šodien, lai uzzinātu vairāk par AOWD kursu un pieteiktos!
ADVANCED OPEN WATER DIVER diver's certificate, #2. diver level
Diving courseAdvanced Open Water DiverDuring the training you will acquire in-depth skills in scuba diving, performing a total of five dives in open water, under the guidance of an instructor. The student will receive his / her "Advanced Open Water Diver" scuba diving certificate after diving together with a diving instructor.
Advanced Open Water Diver training
- Deep immersion to a depth of 30 meters ("Deep");
- Underwater Navigation;
- The Advanced Open Water Diver training program can be started at the age of 12;
- All the necessary equipment in the program is provided by a diving instructor;
- The equipment to be used during the training is a diving mask, fins, a scuba balloon, a neutral buoyancy compensator “BCD”, a basic and spare breathing regulator, as well as an air pressure gauge;
- A diver needs a suit of neoprene or other material that prevents the human body from cooling under water and also a weight belt;
- During the Advanced Open Water Diver course, you will still need an underwater compass and an underwater cutting tool.
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (AOWD) - an experienced open water diver
During the course, scuba divers are prepared for independent diving, divers - opportunities for scuba divers to grow in different specializations - to increase their skills by diving to greater depths, performing various exercises. Within the course it is necessary to pass a test in specialization, as well as to successfully pass practical classes in open water. After passing the exams, the diver receives an international diver's certificate, which gives the right to dive independently to a depth of 30 meters (Junior Open Water diver - 21 meters), as well as the opportunity to participate in further training programs. The course can be started with an OWD or equivalent diver certificate.
The minimum age for the Advanced Open Water Diver course is
- 12 years - PADI Junior Advanced Open Water Diver,
- 15 years PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
Advantages of Advanced Open Water Diver
The obtained diver's certificate "Advanced Open Water Diver" gives advantages to learn the following divers' specializations:
- Cavern Diver
- Ice Diver
- Search & Recovery Dive
- Semiclosed Rebreather Diver (Dolphin / Atlantis)
- Tec 40
- Tec Sidemount
- Divemaster (upon completion of the Rescue Dive course)
During the diving course you will get information to start the next degree, certification after PADI Professional Diving Instructor Organizations systems.
Apply for a diving course, Advanced Open Water Diver
Apply for a course Advanced Open Water Diverusing contact form or call the phone number listed on the page.
Complete the training, you have joined the diving club and continue diving with the diving club Diving
- After obtaining the certificate, by participating in trips organized by "" instructors, you will be able to tour the most beautiful diving places in the Baltic States - the underwater park Sloka in Latvia,
- Underwater prison Rum in Estonia
- Diving in the Zemaitija Lake Plateliai National Park in Lithuania
- As well as get to know the world and explore the most beautiful underwater places on our planet.